Learn how to pronounce the Ojibwe words used in the Minisan websiteThe Ojibwe language is called Ojibwemowin. It is the language of the land and Ojibwe people. These words in Ojibwemowin are used in the Minisan website. Click on the website link to learn how to pronounce them.
Apaakozigan (Bearberry also sometimes called Kinnikinnick)
Amik (Beaver)
Asiniig (Rocks)
Azaadiwag (Quaking aspen)
Baapaagimaak (Black ash)
Bakaan ingoji gaa-ondaadag(non-local plant beings or invasive species)
Ishkode (Fire)
Gaawaandag (White spruce)
Gagaagiwanzh (Eastern hemlock)
Giizhikatig (Northern White Cedar) trees
Gozigwaakominagaawanzh (Juneberry)
Indinawemaaganidog (All my relations)
Izhitwaawin (Knowledge system)
Ma’iingan (Wolf)
Manidoog (Spirits)
Manidoonsag (Little spirits or insects)
Mashkiig (Swamp and muskeg)
Mashkiigobagwaaboo (Labrador tea)
Mashkiigwakamig (Sphagnum moss)
Memengwaa (Butterfly)
Miinan (Blueberries)
Mino-bimaadiziwin (Living a good life)
Miskwaabiikaang (The place where there is red rock cliffs)
Mishwaabiimizh (Red osier dogwood)
Nabagashk (Cattails)
Nibi (Water)
Niibaayaandag (Canada yew)
Ojibwemowin (The Ojibwe language)
Waabooz(Snowshoe hare)
Waawaashkeshiwag (White tailed deer)
Waabashkikiibag (Leatherleaf)
Wadoop (Speckled or Tag alder)
Wazhashk (Muskrat)
Wiigwaasitig (Paper birch)
Wiigwaasaatigoog (Paper birch trees)
Wiinizik (Yellow birch)
Zesegaandag (Black spruce),
Zhingob (Balsam fir)
Zhingwaak (Eastern white pine)